Turkey is a country that frequently faces natural disasters due to its tectonic, seismic, topographic and climatic structure. Earthquakes, which cause loss of life and property, are the most important natural disasters. Our country ranks third in the world in terms of human loss in earthquakes and eighth in terms of the number of people affected. On average, there is at least one earthquake every year with a magnitude ranging between 5 and 6.
Within the framework of the measure numbered 725.1 under the title of "Disaster Management" in the 2019-2020 Program of the Presidency and the 11th Development Plan, the Ministry carries out the inventory of public service buildings and retrofitting works against disasters and the screening, damage assessment and retrofitting works of public buildings after disasters such as earthquakes, floods, etc. in line with the "Turkey Disaster Response Plan (TAMP)" prepared within the scope of the "Regulation on Disaster and Emergency Response Works" published in the Official Gazette dated 18.12.2013 and numbered 28855.
By using the data obtained from the Public Buildings Inventory System (KAYES), earthquake-prone public buildings will be prioritized and energy efficiency improvements will be made as well as earthquake retrofitting of public buildings.
Energy efficiency is an area that complements and cross-cuts national strategic goals such as alleviating the burden of energy costs on the economy, ensuring security of energy supply, reducing the risks arising from external dependency, transition to a low-carbon economy and environmental protection. The building sector in Turkey has been developing rapidly in recent years and the final energy consumption of the sector increased by 66% from 19.5 Mtoe in 2000 to 32.4 Mtoe in 2015. The share of the building sector in final energy consumption reached 32.8%, surpassing the industrial sector.
Within the scope of the Energy Efficiency National Action Plan, among the actions defined to increase energy efficiency in the buildings and services sector, there is also the action of improving the efficiency classes of new and existing buildings and realizing the savings potential in the public sector.
Pursuant to the Presidential Circular No. 2019/18 dated 15/08/2019, it is expected to achieve at least 15% energy savings in public buildings by the end of 2023.
Within the framework of the Regulation on Increasing Efficiency in the Use of Energy Resources and Energy, energy efficiency studies are carried out in public buildings and studies are carried out to realize the identified potential.
In order to increase the earthquake resistance and energy efficiency of our country's building stock, the "Seismic Resilience and Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings Project" will be carried out by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization, General Directorate of Construction Affairs with the World Bank loan under the guarantee of the Ministry of Treasury and Finance.
With this project, public buildings such as hospitals, schools, administrative buildings, etc. will be made resistant against earthquake and disaster risks and will be improved in terms of energy efficiency and demonstrable energy savings will be realized. The economic growth of our country will be supported by utilizing the potential in public buildings.